The Art of Movement
Art of Movement is a 30 minute dance work choreographed by Billy Cowie incorporating live and virtual 3d dancers. It was co-produced by Kyoto Experiment and South East Dance with support from Arts Council England and University of Brighton.
It won the won the Prix du Jury at FCIDC 2013 (Festival Culturel International de Danse Contemporaine). It is frequently perfromed with local dancers in the live parts (Russia, Mexico, Cuba, Japan, Korea, Denmark, Egypt)
Perfromed at festivals in Edinburgh, Kyoto, St Petersburg, Moscow, Zagreb, Seoul, Kochi (Japan), Monterrey (Mexico), Bournemouth, Havana, Torino, Copenhagen, Cairo, Algiers.
The work takes the form of a series of short 3 to 4 minute sections that make up a treatise on the art of choreography. Each section is preceded by an introduction that explains the particular technique to be explored in the ensuing section (these will be in the language of the country the work is presented in). Depending on space, time, finances and dancer availability the work can be presented in a wide variety of formats from at its simplest a single looped projection of one of the sections to at its most complex the full 30 minute work involving 4 live performers and 6 virtual 3d performers. The work can be presented in art galleries, cinemas, theatres and unconventional spaces including outdoors at night. Each section has a series of visual images by the German artist Silke Mansholt projected onto both the virtual and the live dancers. The work is also designed to be paired (after a fifteen minute interval) with the companion piece Dark RainIt was premiered in its full version (along with Dark Rain) at the Kyoto Experiment in September 2013.
Chreographer: Billy Cowie
Dancers: - Simone Labarga, Yumiko Minami, Tomohiko Kyougoku, Kaori Ito,
Drawings: Silke Mansholt
Costumes: Holly Murray
Directed: Billy Cowie
Voices: Lucie Robson and Cathryn Robson
Tanslations: Miwa Monden

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